Discover how to build and balance your household budget. Keep tabs on all your income and spending with our free, online budgeting tool. Learn a new way to manage your finances with our professional system that’s proven to work. Find ways to save more and get the most out of your cash.
All this is part of our free Money Coaching and we’d love to help you take control of your money. In just three sessions, we will give you the tools and bring you expert advice to set you up for success.
The sessions are all free and we even start with a free meal. These sessions are being hosted by Buckskin Evangelical Church on 14th, 21st and 28th September between 12:00 and 14:30.
Money Coaching from Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is recommended by Martin Lewis, founder of the Money Saving Expert website and Channel 4 broadcaster.
Ready to sign up? Visit the CAP Get Help Near You site and sign up. Or scan the QR code below.