Our stocks are running low. Please check out our list by following ‘Give help/Donate food’ Thank you.


It is always wonderful to see the community coming together to support those who might otherwise go without and over the years we have loved having so many individuals, companies, churches and other groups involved in the Basingstoke Christmas Hamper Project.

Our Christmas Hamper Project works to provide a hamper of essential food items along with some Christmas treats to individuals and families in Basingstoke.  We want to support those who would be unable to buy items to make Christmas special, unless they went without the basic necessities.

We have over 160 partnering agencies and ask them each year to identify those they work with who would benefit from a Christmas hamper.

Throughout December volunteers wrap, pack and deliver hampers across Basingstoke and the surrounding areas.

Festival Place kindly provide a unit which we turn into our hamper hub for December.  Volunteers join us from the community and local businesses to spend a morning or afternoon at the hub putting the hampers together.  Once packed, hampers are delivered by volunteers and Churches in time for Christmas.

Click here to find out how you can get involved in the project this year!